Monday, November 30, 2009

Im Back!! =)

Im back to KL...finally after struggling for 2months in UTP with events, test, assignments and exams...

Now im finally free!! =)

Can eat all i want, can sleep all i want and can play all i want ^^

Lots have changed...My lil sis has transformed from a little baby to a young adult....aww how i miss the cute little sister last time =p haha

Well not to say that she is not cute now..just that i kinda miss hugging the tiny little body i used to hug...Now she is almost my size..huhu

Plus the giant pink seahorse she got from genting!! =.="" It snatched my space on bed last night T.T

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Fnshed SP and CO...
No comments on that T.T

now striving for MOB!!!!
MOB = More On Bullshit...

The text book crap no 1...full of nonsense, much to much to little time...


Friday, November 13, 2009

Moral Studies

Fnsh Moral paper!!
Finally I do not have to touch moral for the rest of my life anymore....
Although i screwed up moral but hu cares...Really don't want to touch that subject anymore ever again....

2 devastating subject completed, 3 more bombastic ones to come...
Have to continue training day and night!!
Train like an army...

Spirited Cheryl is now getting ready for SP!!!

using namespace std;

int main ()
cout<<"Hello SP, here I come!!"\n;
cout<<"Hopefully this paper would be better than the previous two"\n;
cout<<"GOGO JIA YOU!!"\n;

return 0;

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Academic Writing

Finish Academic Writing, 4 more to go...

Haih cannot underestimate AW....not little time and so much to write.. T.T
Work Hard for this paper juniors!!! Really not easy... to MORAL (till now I am still not sure what is it all about)


Devastated Cheryl Khor signing off...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Finals (1st year 1st sem)

It is back to the critical period again where everyone is staying up late at night, burning midnight oil, catching the late train just to finish up their syllabus of the semester. Well...I am no much difference and I got to admit that for this sem, hmm i think I am really sooo doooomeed....

There are so much more to read and my first paper begins tmr T.T

Well well well, just hope that I can do well this time and there will be a miracle =)

"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do", (Helen Keller, 1888-1968)

Just to feel up some of my boredom by blogging and also to reactivate my blog a little... haha


Counting down to going back home ----> 15days
looking forward to be back in KL!!

Hugz and kisses from Cheryl Khor =)