Friday, November 13, 2009

Moral Studies

Fnsh Moral paper!!
Finally I do not have to touch moral for the rest of my life anymore....
Although i screwed up moral but hu cares...Really don't want to touch that subject anymore ever again....

2 devastating subject completed, 3 more bombastic ones to come...
Have to continue training day and night!!
Train like an army...

Spirited Cheryl is now getting ready for SP!!!

using namespace std;

int main ()
cout<<"Hello SP, here I come!!"\n;
cout<<"Hopefully this paper would be better than the previous two"\n;
cout<<"GOGO JIA YOU!!"\n;

return 0;


Maxor Gan said...

Haha dun be too happy 1st.
There is another 1 called "Malaysian Studies". Yet another soul killing subject. Haha.

CherylK said...

huh seriously ????


we have to take that too??? =.=""