Thursday, December 13, 2007
edu fair
then after that we went to nilai college i think!!!wah the college is damn big la!!!super super big!!low intro de!!!!and the fees is also super super big!!!haha wanted to go there de!!!that is the first booth i went into which have my course!!!!but then i dun think i can afford it la even if i got full scholarship!!!coz if i got the scholarship oso, i still have to pay for soo many many other fees!!!teruk nye!!!!sooo forget bout nilai la!!!
then i have to give uo my aeronautical course liao!!!!sob sob =[
haha then the next day i went into help college!!!wah soo damn many ppl in the booth!!!make me and low stood there for hours!!!haha not that long la!!!well but still we stood till our legs cramp rr!!we sat oni when we are about to leave!!!haha that is because the lecturer talking to us wanted to show us sumthing!!!soo we get to sit but that also is just for a few minutes!!!then we have to go liao!!!imagine!!!u stand for sooo long and u just get to sit for few minutes!!!that is sooo sad!!!haha
then the lecturer said the scholarship that we are waiting for finish liao!!!sooo dissappointed rr!!but then she said is coming again in another 15 mins time soo ask us to come back again!!!but then im sooo stupid!!!stupid enuf to forget bout it!!!haiyo!!!sooo never go back and take lo!!!
after that go for some other booths then go for my aircraft maintenance talk at 3.30pm.....wah that talk really rr!!!sooo super boring rr!!!coz wat i need to noe i already noe coz the day before 1 of the lecturer already explain it to me about the course!!!and the room was sooo cold i almost fell asleep inside but i didnt la!!!later ppl think i go in just to sleep!!haha well i wasted my time sitting inside there la!!!or not i can go bac already lo!!!
but then if i din go for that talk oso still i have to wait for my another fren!!!he was rushing to that fair from PJ wor!!!soo gotta wait for him la!!!since he come from soo far and alone somemore!!!takkan wanna leave him alone rite??
sooo i wait till he comes and walk around a few booths with him!!!!wah he very smart!!!dun even noe wat course he wanna take soo he took alll the brochures!!!he said he will go home and read alll...but i doubt he will la!!!haha...take till soo many and make it soo heavy oni!!!wat la!!!luckily he didnt go to all booths arr!!!or not i think he need a lorry to bring all those booklet back ady la!!!haha sooo heavy!!!gosh!!!
after that tiring day then blah lo!!!
wanna blog nicely oso kenot!!!she is practising her guitar and asking me to hum to her tune!!!but i malas la...wanna blog oso have to do soo many things!!!gosh she really rr!!!haha
ok on the dunno when....forgotten liao i went karaoke...didn't post immediately coz wanna get ready for my genting trip!!!really busy this few days!!!sooo now oni free to blog!!!
i had soo much fun singing and i didnt noe that singing can actually help release stress!!!this is soo soo fun!!!!i like singing in karaoke with frens now!!!i get to shout alll i want and sing to my own heart's desire!!!haha...i oso get to be crazy wif my frens and not worrying about disturbing the others!!!
this type of things we cant usually do it at home coz the neighbours might come and knock on ur door and shout at u!!!but then in karaoke is completely different!!!this is sooo "syok"!!!is hard to describe how i feel but then is a very very great experience of my life!!!haha...tooo bad din record my singing or not can post it here!!!haha...then i bet nobody wanna come to my blog page anymore!!hehe!!
Sunday, December 2, 2007
well i shop a lot for prom!!!alll those shoes and accesories!!!and bags too!!!also some clothes!!haha i love shopping now!!!
but the whole day was soo tiring!!!but still is worth it la!!but my money just go like tat!!!fall like a waterfall....haih!!!=( must start saving already!!!!and must start working asap!!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
need to go on a diet!!!
ok starting from tomorrow im goin for morning jog everyu morning!!!
must be determined and burn all those calories!!!
im back!!!
although over already but still no freedom for me yet!!!
there is soo much cleaning and sprucing up to do!!!
sooo tiring arr these few days!!!!
pack and clean and wipe and wrap and boxed and many more!!!
hope it ends soon soo that i can go out and play with my friends!!!
i have many many plannings coming up and im very excited but at the same time i felt very sad too coz all these plannings need money!!!which means i have to spend a lot this month!!!haih pokai la!!!
but then is all for fun and for others to feel happy rite???sooo anyhow is still worth it!!
long time didn't onn9....when having exam time im soo desperate to onn9 but dunno why after exam i dun feel like even touching the laptop anymore!!!dunno why la!!!just dun have the mood!!
wan to be happy oso have to worry alot actually!!!!kept thinking bout which college to go or wat course to take next year!!!these are all very troublesome!!!welll just hope i get the matrix or any local U oni la!!!soo no need to worry soo much!!!
holidays is soo boring!!!i prefer goin to skul and being with my friends!!! i start missing schooling days already!!!how sad!!!i miss my teachers and friends!!!i dun wanna leave school actually!!!but then all my fav teachers also leave skul already soo doesnt matter oso la!!!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
my personality!!!
My Results:
Your inner animal spirit is a Dog
Loyal, faithfull, and many people consider you their best friend. You love to be carefree, and you'll stand up for anyone who you care about!
i will be back in 1 month time!!!!after SPM!!!!C YA!!!!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
wanna try???hehe come to my house la...i give de!!!!!kakaka...and pictures will be up sooon......
Sunday, October 14, 2007
and this is rainbow and HOT gurl!!!wahahaha..
she is craving for the starfruit i was eating!!! sooo evil!!!ate in front of her...
she is tired of taking pics liao!!!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
blur and sad!!!
then while walking to tui i stepped on dog's shit!!!how unlucky!!!!of all things!!!ish ish ish....y must all these happen to me in 1 day????and im feeling very down too!!!dunno y just sooo hard to situation now is very i wish my brain is not that complex...maybe is not complex at all..just that im making it tooo complex....
anne din come to skul again today and i just received her msg saying that she wont go to skul tmr oso...haih...i oso wanna ponteng but then i cant!!!there are many obstacles and explaining to do if i really wanna play truant!!!!
welll dun feel like writing much today!!!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
strange day!!!
i forgot to bring my eraser to skul i have tui summore sooo before i go for tui i asked my classmates whether they have any extra eraser o not la!!!i asked zawanah and she said she dun have...but she is willing to cut her newly bought eraser for!!!im soo touched...hahaha....i din even ask for that...she is just sooo kind!!!!
after skul i went library again...this time i left my calculator there...haih on the days which i go lib surely i will forget to bring sumthing home always like that!!!!soooo forgetful and careless of me...ppl like me is kind of hopeless.....cannot rely on me for big responsibility!!!haha
today after tui my bro came and fetch me!!!surprisingly!!!i din even tell him that i have tui today and he just came voluntarily without me asking him...for the first time!!! sooo touched bro is act very nice oni i i wish he can come and fetch me everytime after tui then i no need to cycle home ady!!!!
feeling very nausea rr today!!!dunno y i just feeling like vormitting all the time...dunno wat is happening to me...i think anne jangkit me ady la....i dun like the feeling...made me no mood to study oni!!that is y im blogging now!!!haha
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
new water heater!!!!
this shower is the S series 1...u noe the 1 u watch in the advertisement!!!the slim 1....haha!!!but i dun like the colour black and white!!!i prefer purple...i saw the sample and is soooo nice....but then tooo bad la my mom din buy that!!!ish!!!
sooo now i can bathe whenever i like ady since got hot water!!i can bathe middle of the night and i can even bathe early in the morning without worrying of catching cold later!!!hahaha....soo now my only wish is that i could get a new washing machine soon....sooo that i dun need to sooo susah payah wash my own clothes!!!there that anne la..buat hal je...say wat my machine is on the way and dunno wat wat break down and soo the transportation of machine is delayed!!!!wat the crap???opps talking bout washing clothes...i havent wash my uni yet today!!!aiya..more work for tmr!!!haih!!!
emerald's house
basically we din study much today coz i went ther late and after reaching there lepak there for a while then watch a bit of tv and then watch this impurities playing guitar...he also sang while playing....welll his voice sounds like a girl...but to be really good la!!!can beat malaysian idol la...go take part sure win de!!haha....a very melodious voice he have!!!
today studied phy and add maths!!!but still is not much la!!!just go there to release tension by chit chatting and walking around!!!haha
walking in the rain!!
when i woke up in the morn, as usual i washed up and ate my bfast then i packed my bag...while packing i noticed my umbrella was not in my outside and is unfold...sooo i thought of taking it...but then very lazy coz the gate is lock and i have to open the gate to take it!!!and after taking it i have to fold it oso..soooo thinking of that i felt very lazy!!!so i din bring umbrella to skul
the moment i step foot into skul, it started raining...rain rain rain till after skul...the whole day i was sooo cold....gosh my house and skul will be snowing 1 day!!!haha....then after skul luckily my frens brought umbrella, soo can borrow...
i shared umbrella wif xiaoci but both oso got wet coz apparently we dunno that we are both very huge and the umbrella is just very small!!!felt guilty for making xc wet coz if not bcoz of me she wouldn't have got wet!!!hahaha...
then i enter my bus till i reach my bus stop the rain still havent stop...sooo terpaksa walk home without any shelter....wat to do??got nothing to cover my head with ady!!!after that about 3 o clock the rain still havent stop....but i have sapphire meeting....sooo i just cycled under the rain again!!!
basically im getting wet the whole day la!!!and oso cold....well im lucky tat i din fall sick!!! really strong huh???hehe...
Sunday, September 30, 2007
library again!!!
low went back earlier coz he was sick!!!dunno whether he is still sick o not la...pity him la...kenot study together...aiya nvmla..if he is there oso he wont study much de la...coz that hafiz beside him talk soo much...kakakaka...welll just kidding!!!
studied phy and addmaths today!!!dunno y im such a bad tutor today!!!sudd oni...before this is just fine when i teach but today dunno y la..i sudd dunno how to teach liao...mayb coz got new member in the group la...haha
after lib i went to titanium's hse and continue doing our add maths coz we feel is not enuf just studying in closed so early...made us kenot fnsh our targetted topic oni...sooo i went to her hse and fnsh up our add maths...but unfortunately im tooo lazy sooo i din manage to fnsh it...just stop half way and went bac....
then when i reached home i sudd thought of rou jun...the girl who stays opposite my hse and is a CBNer tooo....she is a form 3 student...since tmr got pmr sooo i went and say good luck to her and ask her not to sleep too late....but to my astonishment my good deed pays after all..her mom gave me a quarter of a choc cake i think plus wif sum fruits and sumthing like that la....with the cherries on top and the chocz....i didn't expect to get anything in return...i just thought of her soo happen and just wanted to wish her luck and sudd im awarded for my good deeds...hahaha sooo is soo weird sometimes...
as xiaoci said..."life is soo cool" ...hahaha...well nowadays im crapping a lot la...sooo just dun mind getting happier day by day!!!im lucky to have frens wif me every weekends soo that i wont go through my weekends alone...which is sooo lonely and sad!!!!im sooo fortunate to have friends living nearby and im happy to form a study group with them!!!must really thank them for willing to be there for me always!!!haha...i LOVE my frens!!!!
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Sapphire meeting in emerald's house
we studied 2 chaps of form chem today which completes the whole form 4 syllabus....welll not really good in it yet though coz havent do ebuf practice yet...just a glance through on that certain topics!!!welll im kind of happy to fnsh studying form 4 chem finally!!!next we are going to phy form 5...haha
btw, while studying half way just chem book cut my elbow and the layer of skin came off...that hurts a placing artificial skin on top ady!!!haha...and then it gives this burning sensation...ouch!!!!dun feel lik toking bout it...haha
maybe tmr going lib lib...hope that titanium can cum bac early and we can go there for our sapphire meeting!!!!
Melodies Of Life
For traces of the love u left inside my lonely heart,
To weave by picking up the pieces that remain,
Melodies of life-love's lost refrain.
Our paths they did cross, though I cannot say just why,
We met, we laughed, we held on fast, and then we said goodbye,
And who'll hear the echoes of stories never told?
Let them ring out loud till they unfold.
In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me,
Though you're gone, I still believe that u can call out my name.
A voice from the past, joining yours and mine,
Adding up the layers of harmony,
And so it goes, on and on,
Melodies of life,
To the sky beyond the flying birds...forever and beyond.
So far and away, see the birds as it flies by,
Gliding through the shadows of the clouds up in the sky,
I've laid my memories and dreams upon those wings,
leave them now and see what tomorrow brings.
In your dearest memories, do you remember loving me?
Was it fate that brought us close and now leaves me behind?
If I should leave this lonely world behind,
Your voice will still remember our melody,
Now i know we'll carry on,
Melodies of life,
Come circle round and grow deep in our hearts, as long as we remember.
FFIX(love this song, one of my fav)
although feel kind of sad thinking bout not being able to onn9 but i must resist the temptation and stand till the 11th hour...haha...i must make sure i listen to myself and push away alll temptations...i must not defeat to myself...i must follow my inner feelings and make sure i do wat i am suppose to do....and not loitering around the house or searching for food or spending uncountable time dreaming!!!
well i really hope that the sapphire meeting will help me speed up my studies and i need not have to study all by myself anymore and start thinking of sumthing studying in group i will not have time to think bout sumthing else...alll i need to do is just focus!!!!and im sure i can do it!!!amethyst sapphire is a strong gemstone and so am i!!!amethyst can do it soo does cheryl!!!sooo everyone pray hard for me and wish me luck!!!hehe
Friday, September 28, 2007
freaky friday!!!
last fri i had a very bad body odour...which i dunno just occured soo sudden!!!which made me felt sooo uncomfortable and embarrassed to walk around the school smelling one kind....furthermore i have tuition on fridays!!!which makes me care more about my appearance...anyhow im lucky to have su ning there wif me last fri coz she lend me her black 100 years t-shirt!!!must really thank her for that!!after that i realised i forgot to bring back both my bio text and revision unlucky coz i already planned to study bio during the weekend!!!and i oso forgot to bring my purse back...i left it in the bus...luckily xiaoci is observant enough and she helped me to bring back home and keep it safely....
welll!!!!this fri on the other hand is far more unfortunate!!!i tore my pants in class because there was a small nail on my chair....i sat on it and "piakkk...." i heard a torn sound!!!ok...that's it....i knew wat was that sound and i started panicking...telling xiaoci bout it and asking her how am i going to tui after this???she said it's just a small hole and she asked me to cover it wif my shirt...ok i did as she told...however after skul while i was in lib lib, my pants tore even wider now...and now i m really frustrated and already bout 3 o clock in the evening and many of my friends had already went back!!!sooo tis time no one is here to lend me any clothing....the ones here wif me also didn't bring any extra clothings...soooo i had to borrow from pn siva....welll lucky me she is still in skul!!!ok done with 1 mishap and now another unfortunate situation happened...i forgot to bring bac my chem revision book tis time!!!how forgetful of me....gosh!!i oso planned to study chem during the weekends and now my plan have to be cancelled just because i left my book in skul again!!!haih!!!
i dunno wat is going to happen to me next fri or the next coming fridays!!!just hope that my fridays will be a better ones and i will be more alert next check my desk for any books or my belongings before i leave skul....welll i really hate fridays now!!!and im oso extra lazy on fridays!!!oni 1 thing good bout sis will be bac from hostel on fridays and i get to meet and chat wif her all night!!!haha maybe not alll night la coz nowadays very tired and always doze off very fast...sooo never got a chance to sit down and really chat wif her...summore im soo busy wif my studies!!!
Thursday, September 27, 2007
revival of amethyst!!!


hate falling sick!!!
im having fever agn....tis time with headache!!!!ate panadol ady but still very dizzy...mum ask me to go take a rest wor...means have to sleep agn???no sooo not goin to already very regret...haha!!!if i din go near her she wouldn't have notice that im having fever!!! idiotic of terpaksa sleep!!!i rather take panadol and tell her tat im well ady
tis week is the 2nd time i got fever ady la...but tis time a more serious 1....coz the previous 1 which is last mon i dun have headache but now im having headache!!!mayb because of the cold weather la...made me sooo cold and finally fall sick!!!haha
cold and shivering day!!!
2day while bathing i felt like sumbody is pouring ice on my body!!!many many knives were poking through my body and a few times i felt like collapsing!!!sooo dangerous...i even have to sit on the toilet bowl to dry my hair!!!dunno y today felt very legs are all shaking and my hand non-stop shivering...cold till my head is also aching now!!!!
although it is a cold day today but all the aircond in my house is on...crazy 1 rrr....i went in my dad's room the aircond is on then i enter my own room oso the aircond is on...go to the hall, the temp is cooler than in both aircond dunno wat is happening to the temp in my house already!!!day by day is getting colder....strange....
today's chem modul 4 and 5 is kind of hard...and for modul 3 is extremely hard coz i need to go for 2 pemulihan...hahaha....i bet tmr's modul 2 will be harder..sooo i better study hard for chem....and i think i have add maths oso tmr...gosh...i m getting lazzier and lazier day by day!!!i dun even feel like studying these days....eventhough i noe exam is just around the corner but i still take everything easily and not working my best...this cannot goes on any longer...i must start studying hard from today onwards...
despite the cold weather which makes me feel down and weak, one thing made me very happy!!!xiaoci called me CHERYL today!!!haha...i din noe that i ll be that happy hearing her calling my name...very long din hear her call me that ady!!!love u lotz ah TAN!!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
unlucky day!!!
and then my another pair of shoe is oso very muddy and small...i prefer wearing my beggar shoe than wearing that dirty shoe which was once belongs to my sis...haha...hope my shoe can dry by tmr lo...i wahsed it ady....
btw...anne din come to school today!!!sooo sad!!!she din even tell me...make me soo dissappointed oni...coz thought of hugging her first thing in the morning since yday din get to hug her...but she absent pula...sooo mengadala!!!must scold her ady!!!haha
there are many foods as each resident cooked and display their own cookings...there are many many diff kinds of dishes ranking from sandwiches, cakes, sausages, fishballs, variety of kuih to fried mee hoon, noodles, rendang chicken(cooked by mum) and many more...unlistable....too long ady!!!tooo many food!!eat till im bloated!!!crazy!!!sure put on a lot of weight ady 1!!!!i dare not weigh oni...haha
xiaoci came for the celebration and we played lantern together...i didn't noe playing lantern will be soo fun because long time din play already!!!eventhough we just walk around wif the lanter but still is very exciting because my area is very dark and we lit up the whole place wif our lantern...welll i dun really noe how to describe my feeling but im sure to tell that it is very very fun!!!other than xiaoci, my neighbours came and join the fun too...they are vivian, shireen, rou jun and the notty lil boy which i forgotten his name!!haha
rou jun is sitting for her PMR examination next week and still she came out and play wif us coz me and vivian pursued her to come out and play!!!pity her...but we are just helping her to release stress...sooo she shud thank us!!!kakaka....eventhough we are older than her but we seems younger than her yday coz we really played till lik lil children!!!soo fun to be young agn!!!
hope to have tis type of party again soon..i heard that christmas my the committee members of my apartment is goin to held another party!!!haha....looking forward to that!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
tiring day!!!
as expected, today in tui was very quiet...i din tok much!!!but denise sat beside me!!sooo we chit chat a bit la...then is kind of relaxing la today's lesson...not much of thinking and calculations like other classes...
i forgot to dry my laundry before going to tui!!!haih...when i got clothes were still in the toi and my white blouse uniform is mixed wif red already coz i washed my shorts which have red col on it...sooo the colour get my uniform....of all clothes sure must get my uniform 1 wor....haih sooo unlucky!!!now my white blouse has a red spot already!!!somemore at the colar there...soo obvious!!duno whether still can wear o not...hope can la...that's my fav blouse...coz very comfortable!!!
btw i washed lotz of clothes today.....allll those accumulated clothes from the previous days...the whole of last week and early this week i was kind of busy wif my sapphire meeting...sooo dun even have time to wash my clothes...and since today i came home first before going tui sooo i washed my clothes lo...soooo many and soo tiring rr!!!dunno when oni will the washing machine be repaired!!!hope soon exam coming ady rr!!!!dun tell me have to wash during exam period oso???aiyo...i can die of exhaustion then...hahaha...not that bad la!!i m just exaggerating!!!!
sad and gloomy day!!!
and then when going bac time she finallly said she will hug me...but then tooo bad my bus came ady soo i left in such a rush that i din manage to hug her!!!sooo sad rrr!!!haih...nvm tmr must get many many hugz from her ady!!!i dun replace bac today's 1....hehe
then i sudd feet like eating ice cream oso today!!!dunno y out of sudden i felt lik eating but i din eat coz kenot see the ice cream man....mayb got la but i din notice wor...welll maybe because im sad today sooo oni ice creams, chocz and cakes can make me happy back!!!soo the figure came into my mind!!
owh yea i cried a lot rr today!!!because of my mum la...ask me peel onions make me cry nonstop oni....dunno y is soo hard to control the tear gland!!!my tears keep rolling down even if i try not to cry!!!gosh...that onions are really to make strong amethyst cried!!!hehe....
today got tui!!!but then have to cycle there coz as usual got no bro la...always busy wif the car!!!always not free to come bac and fetch me...welll nvm la...i understand he is working very hard!!sooo i forgive him!!!hehe....low and wynxie not going tui!!!dunno y credit to ask la....nvm la ask next time...i will surely be very bored de...nobody to talk to in tui...luckily i came home first b4 goin tui or not i wont noe that they are not goin coz nowadays i very good girl ady...never bring HARRY POTTER to skul!!!hehe
i felt very tired la today!!!dun feel lik goin tui oso....but then exam is just around the corner and to get good results, i must be hardworking and attend tui classes....must not be LAZY!!!!the word LAZY is not in my dictionary!!!
till now i still dunno whether wanna go for that kasturi seminar o not la!!!shud i rr???aiyo....kenot decide...but then most probably i will not be goin coz have to use my own money to pay wor!!!i duwan to waste my mon just on that...summore is soooo super duper E!!!!haih!!!
tonite got tanglung festival at my apartment and TAN is coming!!!hehe...we can play lantern together...long time din play dy lo!!!sudd feel lik playing pula...nowadays im acting very childish rr!!!dunno wat is happenning to me la...becoming more and more manja!!hehe....maybe that's me???well...dunno la...
Monday, September 24, 2007
i have a new name!!!my name is Amethyst Sapphire whereas martha's is Titanium Sapphire...i think is kind of funny but it suits her la...haha...or commonly known as blue blue...and since liyana din come today soo we named her Ruby Sapphire because she always reminds me of red...which i dunno y....owh yea....ruby is red colour and amethyst obviously is purple colour la...haha since i lik purple...that is y i named myself that...
today we did ques on chem...form 4 chap 4 and 5...which is kind of good la coz is bout 200 ques altogether...wah!!sooo going to continue chap 6,7 and 8 later...dunno whether can o not but i must try!!!soo that i can fight my chemophobia disease!!hehe...a word created by me myself...wahaha...i felt soo tired la now...feel like napping but i duwan coz wanna fnsh studying first....sooo must sacrifice my napping time!!
mondays' blue
dunno y nowadays i dunno how to bathe ady...i mean dunno how to wash my hair...everytime shampoo sure get into my eyes 1...haih...that's painful!!!well mayb coz when we grow older we tend to forget those lil lil basic stuff!!! there such thing???well hu noes rite??
very tired rr....non stop writing for BM ppr today!!dun even have time to check...anyway evrytime bm ppr is also the same 1...always got no time...i ll oni fnsh at the very last minute!!!haha...they shud give more time la!!!or either make the ppr easier la...then no nid to rush always...mayb i just need more practice nice if we can type instead of writing during exam..haha... that ll be much faster rite??
wanna take a nap first but then im late for my SAPPHIRE meeting ady!!!haha...a new group formed by martha...wat the??? at 3 and im still seating nicely over here blogging...looks like is another 'war day' on chem and phy!!!!ok got to i come phy and chem!!!i will strive till the very end!!!Wahaha
GAMBATTE cheryl!!!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
sumthing bout myself
You Are Apple Red |
![]() You're never one to take life too seriously, and because of it, you're a ton of fun. And although you have a great sense of humor, you are never superficial. Deep and caring, you do like to get to the core of people - to understand them well. However, any probing you do is light hearted and fun, sometimes causing people to misjudge you. |
just for fun
Your Birthdate: September 10 |
![]() Number of True Loves You'll Have: 2 Number of Times You'll Have Your Heart Broken: 2 You are most compatible with people born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, and 28th of the month. |
besides being addicted to coffee, im addicted to chocz and cakes as well......and raisins....arrrrgghhhh soo long din eat raisins ady..thinking bout that makes my mouth watery now...
owh yea and another thing!!!!ICE CREAMS!!!owh i lovvveeee that...hahaha...but i didn't eat it everyday la...coz my hse dun have ice cream....sad!!
and yea writing bout coffee, i tried a new Apolo biscuit with coffee flavour today....haha...btw is soo not nice...sooo dun ever ever buy sooo ewww...but is effective for making u stay awake coz is coffee...haha
National Library
we studied form 4 chem chap 4 till chap 8.1....which is a lot for 6 hours studying...shows how fast we studied...but just reading thru the theories la...havent go into ques yet!!!and tmr we are studying PHY!!!wohooo.....
is amazing how fast i can study wif frens compare to studying alone....owh yea and i met kennard at lib lib tooo today!!!surprisingly!!!he came alone la...that's sooo sad!!nobody teman....but then nvmla..guys are used to being alone dy wat...haha
din really eat my lunch today sooo got gastric!!!once i stepped foot into my house, i straight dashed towards my dining table and start searching for food and i ate like nobody's business...i just attack on everything which is on the table....sooo freaking hung!!i wonder how the muslims can stand fasting!!!haha...i can never do tat la...but i ll try one day...some how!!!some time!!!maybe next century??haha
tmr got BM ppr...aiyo soo lazy to do my readings...still wanna cont doing chem coz i feel very incomplete studying without doing any ques...sooo i am going to cont my chem afterwards and then oni read a bit on bm la...i shall just stick to DEWAN SISWA kind of interesting u noe...
xiao ci said wanna come de rrr to lib lib but then she din come coz she said she is very tired...okla...i can understand oso de since she woke up soo early today for an interview!!!i wonder how was it....shud call her later and ask!!!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
im very very sleepy now....coz of the natural sleeping pills i have been consuming since morning!!!i think i need to go get some rest now....but then im running out of time...SPM is just around the corner and im scared to even take a break coz i scared if i do i will never start studying bac!!!yea rite!!!that's me....CHERYL KHOR....the lazy bum!!!!haha
ok im lazy to type oso now..haha...
saturday morning
sooo at 7.45am martha called...she asked y din cum.....i told her i forgottn lo...sooo sad!!!wanted to go for jog but then tooo late ady later will be very hot..sooo canceled oni lo the plan...
i went to h er hse to study....actually im still in her hse la...blogging in her hse using her comp...but she went for music class ady ...sooo ntg to do soo i blog a while first lo while waiting for her to get bac...
we studied chapter 9 today!!!and we did lotz of ques!!! glad that i finished studying at least 1 chap of sej....later when she get bac we are gona cont summore at liyana's house....whole day studying sejarah is kind of tiring oso!!!haih but wat to do??exam coming ady!!sooo near summore...dun study now later no time ....soo have to lo...
btw i ate breakfast at her hse today!!!wah eat till soo full tummy oso bursting ady...summore her dad gave me soo much!!haha...but still i finished it food sure fnsh it a food lover ma...haha
Friday, September 21, 2007
Lazy Girl
today i din wash clothes agn...normally i will wash my own clothings 1 r...but then as i said im being very lazy lately!!!sooo din even bother to wash it...just dump it into the pail ans wait for my mom or dad to wash it for me la since i oso washed for them sumtimes...which is once oni!!!hahaha...
besides being lazy, im delaying all my work...i bathe later than as usual nowadays and i alwiz give excuses to myself to start studying later!!!dunno wat is happening to me to cure this laziness disease soon before it gets worst...haih...y i get this disease in the first place??is sooo hard to cure!!!sumbody pls help me!!!
After tuition
while i was cycling, i noticed today the road have many cars and even the kampung lane....sooo many times i almost got knocked down by a motorcycle and cars....after having shocked that i almost get bang by a car, there was this motor which goes at a speed of light coming towards me...i thought he was goin to bang me in a second but then dunno how i manage to avoid oso la...and is just few inches away....haih soo scary rr....
my journey home after tuition is always sooo scary...but today is extra scary...dunno la...weird weird things happen to me la today!!!im glad i arrived home safely...haha...sooo hard to cross all the roads somemore coz many cars on the road today!!!!
my day in school
today i smelled like a soak sweaty kid that just came back from the playground!!!dunno y i am extra stinky today la!!!either is because i din wash my taekwando shirt nicely or i din bathe nicely!!!!haha...and i felt sooo uncomfortable to go tuition wif this condition...sooo after skul i went to lib lib wif xiao ci!!!and i asked the librarian there which is the aunty, whether she have perfume or not...and she said yes!!!i was glad to hear that la...and she asked me to go there lo sooo that she can spray it on my body!!!soo i went and before spraying she told me...
'is oni for once time dun come and find me for more ady when u r stinky agn..'
and she said the perfume is very expensive 1 which is from avon!!the famous brand!!then she said:
'later u think is very nice smell then come bac everyday for it pula...'
and she reminded me is just for once la...sooo i was like oklo....
after spraying...for the first few kind of nice la the smelll...but after a while i began to feel uneasy bout the smelled sooo awfull...i feel like puking whenever i smelled that scent...i wanted soo badly to bathe at that instant but then no towel and other stuff ma...sooo is imposible la...but then thank goodness Su Ning brought extra clothing soo i can change into it...but then after changing the scent is still there...then i remembered...she sprayed it to my neck also...i was lik....owh gosh...wat to do now??haih...then i dun bother la...just stop thinking bout it...owh yea btw...xiaoci is over reacting pula about the perfume...she dun even wanna sit beside me!!!sooo bad rrr!!!haha
after that, when going bac, xc, su ning, and yee siew lepak a while la at the lib counter....then this yee siew said wanna return book...then she sudd say 'aiya i havent fnsh reading la' soo she asked me to extend the date due for her lo since im an ex-librarian ma...sooo i agreed la...after that she changed her mind agn!!!she said 'is ok la...'i dun have to extend the period...she just take the book out of the lib and will return it 1 day...she PROMISED wor...soo i oso trust her la...after that she ask su ning!!!do u wanna borrow oso...come i bring u go choose 1 book then u can just bring it out of the lib without using card to borrow it...sooo i oso pura-pura tak dengar la...since they will oso return the books 1...but is a very wrong thing to do la...i shud have stopped them but wat to do??they are my frens and is just once in a while...sooo dun bother lo....
after some time...they still havent come out from the xiao ci oso said la....
"later we will see them coming out with a big plastic bag of story books which they will sneak it out of the library"
both of us laughed like mad....they really went in for a very long time and acted sooo 'selamba' je....wah...soooo daring la they!!!determined to read books soo much till they even go to the extent of sneaking books a very bad librarian la...suddenly felt soo guilty now....ok i will forget bout it soon....then after that balik lo...
Thursday, September 20, 2007
today ate a lot said i fat ady!!!she said if i get fatter she will faint!!that's sooo sad!!soo she asked me to go on diet....i will try to la...but i can't resist not eating food la...especially chocz and ice creams and cakes...dunno y la...nowadays im addicted to it ady!!!gosh need to control!!!stop thinking bout food!!!makes my mouth watery oni!!!haha...opps is making noise now...feel lik eating agn!!!haih!!!
im suppose to study today!!that's the reason y i 'fly' skul...but then i din seem to touch anything....haih...alwiz said wanna start studying but always end up doing sumthing else...1 good example is like blogging!!!if not i ll be eating, walking ard the house searching for food or sumthing else to do other than studying!!!i lost interest towards studying ady la...i used to love studying!!but now dunno y!!!....
owh i need to STUDY la!!!
anyway tmr i have bio exam and i still have time to create a blog and start blogging!!!im really very free huh??hahaha...but wat to do???my desire is stronger than i thought!!!dah lah my bio soo bad ady i still have time to blog instead of studying...i havent even start studying yet!!!gosh i better start soon
welll i dun really noe wat to write on my first blog because nothing special happened today!!!
owh yea...i 'fly' skul today!!!that's the word xiao ci taught me la...haha oso dunno whether got such word o not...but im sure is not the real meaning la..talking bout xiao ci rite reminds me of the secret language we have.... we alwiz have weird weird usage of language!!!i just dunno just happened sooo naturally!!!we will start speaking like a if we are still in kindergarten....the best example:
- didi de dudu(that's my purple toy shal gave me la)which goes "muaxXxXx....I LOVE YOU"
- bibu bibu(that's xiao ci's language... which i dun noe wat is the meaning) which goes "hehehehe....I LOVE YOU TOO"
next is ANNE!!!wow she is my best hugging partner!!!i love hugging her la...seriously!!i fell in love with her hug the first time i hugged just sooo warm and soft and comfortable being in her arms....wanna noe the feeling??u shud go try hugging sure she is happy to hug u...but then u got to be close enuf wif first her b4 hugging her la...coz is very weird for a stranger to walk up to her and sudd hug her rite??haha...btw im the president of HUGGING CLUB!!!many ppl love huggin me...or shud i say ....i love hugging many ppl!!!hahaha.....dunno la...i just like the feeling of being in another's arm....i just felt soo secured, loved and warm to be in a person's arm....

owh yea...since i talked about xc and anne...i will nvr forget to talk bout sindhu!!!haha...she is my best friend since form 1 u noe....soo lucky to have her as my friend!!!although we din really spent much time together but still she is always in my mind and there is always space for her in my heart!!!she is my guidance since i step foot into secondary school and the most talkative person i ever seen after my lil sis la...hahaha...have very good power of eng...soo i learned a lot from her sitting beside her since f1 till now....can u believe that??i sat beside her for 5 consecutive years!!i remember got 1 year we were asked to sit separately...but we din gave up just like that!!!we walked up to teacher and told her how important is it for us to sit together and we begged 4 teacher's approval soo that we can sit side by side!!!and she was touched by our determination soo she allowed us to sit together!!!haha..wat a great achievement!!!haha...well to talk bout sin oso i think i need 3 days 3 nights sooo i better stop now or i will fail my bio tmr.....
me and sindhu

these are all my beloved frens lo but there are many more...wanna talk bout all of them but im really wasting lotz of time ady today sooo i think i just list down all my fav frens la...haha....
my favourite and loveable frens:
- anne
- xiao ci
- sindhu
- lynnett
- teng
- shal
- farah
- nanaz
- waniey
- all of 5B(2007)
me and wynxie!!

besides having nice and loveable friends in school, i have many great and dedicate teachers too... alll very nice and them lotz
Puan Nadiah Hayati Omar
- my gym teacher adviser in afternoon session and really love her lotz
- very funny and sociable
- very sporting and caring
- eventhough din teach me any sub but still very close to her!!
Puan Susilah
- my eng teacher
- was my class teacher last year(2006)
- a very very sporting teacher!!!(very good in sepak takraw)...i rmb got onc3e when we went for a trip together a guy challnge her to kick the ball for 10 times without dropping it and she did it!!!hahaha....soooo HEBAT!!!and she got a ball in return!!!soo sporting rite??
- gave us lotz of support in our drama competition and non-stop encouraging us!!!
- she even brought me,anne and putri go shopping for drama props and treat us each a drink!!!
Puan Siti Kartini
- my beloved add maths teacher
- non-stop giving her full attention and dedication in teaching us!!!!
- always bully me *sob sob*
- very very sporting tooo....hahaha just found out that she used to be a netball player during her schooling days!!!
- like YM-ing with her...(can mengeratkan silaturahim ma)haha
- very understanding!!!
me and Pn Kartini

Puan Goh Geok Hoon
- owh my PAULINE teacher adviser...
- very spirited and supportive tcr!!!!she always wears blue on our pauline meeting!!
- very caring and loving....
- nonstop guiding and teaching me....
- she teaches me add maths and maths
- love going for her maths clinic
- will always make sure i udrstd the topic she taught before proceeding
Datin Aslindawati
- my class tcr(2007)
- very supportive in raising our class funds and guiding us....
- help us a lot in every aspects and very caring tooo
- teaches us BM and she always love to telll stories(owh i love her stories)can memantapkan my general knowledge...hehe
Puan Norlela
- was my BM teacher last year(2006)
- miss her lotz....
- a very caring and loving teacher
- helped me a lot during my first term exam tis year!!
- i remember i had a nervous breakdown during chem ppr early this year and she is the 1 consoling and calming me down...she asked me not to push too hard and ans all i could!!and i did as wat she saidd...eventhough i failed that ppr but im glad that i answered few questions....terima kasih PN NORLELA!!!
me and Pn Norlela!!
ok i think that's all for now first la....have been bloggin for 1 hour liao....haha....
written wif lotz of love by cheryl khor